Monday, May 18, 2020


cervical radiculopathy is an lower motor neuron lesion  here acute lesion is due to disc prolapse where as gradual condition is due to osteophytes.
 cervical myelopathy is an upper motor neuron lesion.
Taking insulin injection and doing exercise cause HYPOGLYCEMIA due to increased blood flow by which insulin absorption is increased.

Renal tubular acidosis- Type 1:  DCT is involved and inability to excrete acid into urine is present.
Type 2:PCT is involved and bicarbonate is excreted in excess in this type.
Type 4:In this deficiency or inability to respond to aldosterone is the main pathology and has persisting hyperkalemia.

Type 1 RTA gives rise to nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis due to:
  • Patients have a constant release of calcium phosphate from bones to buffer the extracellular H+.

  • Patients have decreased reabsorption of calcium and phosphate, leading to hypercalciuria and hyperphosphaturia.

  • Patients have relatively alkaline urine, which promotes calcium phosphate precipitation.

  • Metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia lead to hypocitraturia, a risk factor for stones. Citrate in the urine complexes calcium and inhibits stone formation.

Sacubitril is a new antihypertensive drug which acts by increasing ANP by inhibiting neprilysin(enzyme that degrades ANP).
It is usually used in combination with valsartan(ARB) as sacubitril increases angiotensin 2 level.

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