Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Care You Can Trust.

Hello everyone! I am an intern and logging this case as I have seen plueral tap done for this patient and felt interesting as we didn't get any fluid when we done 1st. I got details of this case from my colleague intern,Advytha and I am thankful for that.
                  Here is the case of a 43year old female came with pain in right hypochondrium.
A 43year old female came to opd with cheif complaint of right side hypochondrial pain , stabbing type , non radiating.increasd with inspiration and on lying down on rt side ,
c/o low grade fever ,intermittent since 10 days , 
H/0 medication used for 4 days from 24 rth . Amikacan , sulbactum + ceftriaxone 
From 28/ 5/ 20 Piptaz , levoflox for 4 days 
No h/0 wt loss , cough , evening rise of temperature, decreased micturation , burning mituration .
c/o fever for which she went to hospital 20 years back for which she used medication for 3 moths ? Pulmonary TB
No h/o DM , HTN , CKD , BA ,Thyroid

Pt c/ c
Temperature 98.6  F 
Pule 85 bpm
RR 20 cpm
BP 160/ 80mmhg 
Spo2 99%
Cvs :S1 S2 heard ,no murmurs 
p/ A : soft , non tender 
CNS : HMF intact
           Speech normal
           Sensory system N
           Motor system N 
Respiratory system examination:
 shape of the chest: elliptical
symmetry:b/l symmetry
position of trachea: central
apex beat: seen in 5th intercostal space midclavicular line
Rr-18 cpm
type- thoracoabdominal
old scar in left neck region.
no accessory or intercostal muscles usage .
no dilated veins/pulsations
no obvious spine abnormality
            all inspectory findings are confirmed.
position of trachea- central
apex beat- felt ( 5th intercostal space midclavicular line)
movements.      rt.                      lt
upper thorax.     --.                      N
anterior.              --.                      N
posterior.           decreased.      N
chest expansion - felt
inspection - patient can't take deep breath due to pain
No subcutaneous emphysema
chest expansion.          lt.          rt
supraclavicular.             N.         N
infraclavicular.               N.         N
mammary.                      N.         decreased
axillary.                            N.         decreased
infraaxillary.                    N.         decreased
suprascapular.               N.         N
interscapular                  N.         decreased
infrascapular                  N.         decreased
VOCAL FREMITUS.       lt.          rt
supraclavicular.             N.         N
infraclavicular.               N.         N
mammary.                      N.         decreased
axillary.                            N.         decreased
infraaxillary.                    N.         decreased
suprascapular.               N.         N
interscapular                  N.         decreased
infrascapular                  N.         decreased
PERCUSSION                 lt.                 rt
supraclavicular.             resonant        resonant
infraclavicular.               resonant.       resonant
mammary.                      resonant.       dull
axillary.                            resonant.       dull
infraaxillary.                    resonant.       dull
suprascapular.               resonant        dull
interscapular                  resonant.       dull
infrascapular                  resonant.       dull
 tidal percussion - normal
AUSCULTATION.              lt.         rt
supraclavicular.            nvbs.     nvbs
infraclavicular.              nvbs      absent/reduced
mammary.                     nvbs       reduced
axillary.                           nvbs.      absent
infraaxillary.                   nvbs.      absent
suprascapular.              nvbs.       reduced
interscapular                 nvbs.       absent
infrascapular                 nvbs.       absent
 no added sounds
no wheeze/crepts/rub

Hb :9.5 gm/ dl 
TLC :16000 cells / cumm
RBC : 4.12 
Plt- 7.7 lakhs cells /cumm
Smear :
Normocytic hypochromic with neutophelia and thrombocytosis 
TB - 0.6 mg/ dl 
DB - 0.2 mg/ dl 
SGOT - 16
SGPT- 27
Alp - 239
Albumin -2.9
A/G- 0.74

Pleural fluid analysis:
Pleural tap was done following all the aseptic measures, on right side 6 th posterior intercostal space, white viscous fluid was taken out and sent for analysis.
Cytology report:
Smears showed rich cellularity composed of degenerating neutrophils only against eosinophilic proteniacious background 
Impression: cytology suggestive of acute inflammatory condition.


Provisional diagnosis:
              right sided pleural effusion ? Empyema 

I have seen plureral tap done on this patient with the help of 2d echo.Here is the video of 2d echo done by Pg,Dr Rashmitha Rao mam:

 pleural tap which is done by our professor,Dr Rakesh biswas sir:


1) can we suspect pseudomans infection based on colour of the fluid?
2)Or is there any fungal infection which produce greenish colour fluid?
3)what is the best way to drain fluid either suction or intercostal drainage?
4)what treatment can be given before getting plueral analysis as there is severe pain?

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