Friday, May 15, 2020

You Deserve Health.

Here is the case of a man who came to opd who has already been treated in our hospital with complaint of pedal edema.
Details of this patient was given by my colleague intern,madhuri.I am thankful for that.
A 35year male presented with complaints of shortness of breath since 2weeks and pedal Edema since 2weeks
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1month back then he developed fever ,associated with chills ,which is high grade for which he took treatment at local rmp where he was given anti malarial drugs and treated symptomatically after which patient felt better currently from 2weeks he is complaining of b/l pedal edema ,extending up to knees ,pitting type,progressing in nature shortness of breath from 2weeks ,initially NYHA 3 after treatment now grade 2 h/o paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and generalised weakness from 2weeks
No h/o fever ,vomitings ,abdominal distension ,diarrhoea ,cough,cold

No history of similar complaints in the past
Not a known case of DM ,HTN,Epilepsy,CVA,CAD

mixed diet with normal appetite and normal bowel&bladder habits
H/o alcohol and smoking occasionally
No significant family history

well built and well nourished
Pallor absent
Edema upto knees (grade2)
RS:right ISA early inspiratory crepts +
P/A:soft and non tender
CNS:Hmf normal
Cranial nerves intact
Motor system normal
Sensory system normal
No cerebellar signs

JVP of this patient

Heamoglobin :15.2
Total cholesterol:150
Uric acid :6

USG abdomen:
                      right moderate pleural effusion ,grade1 fatty liver,mild ascites

                     EF-27%,IVC dilated(2.3cm)not collapsing,mild TR+,severe MR+,trivial AR+,dilated all chambers ,global hypokinesia,severe LV dysfunction,mild PAHT,no MS/AS,no PE/LV clot

                heart failure with reduced ejection fraction secondary to viral myocarditis with denovo DM type 2

Tab.lasix 80mg...40mg...40mg
Tab.isosorbide mononitrate10mg bd
Tab.hydralazine 25mg
Tab. Telma20mg
Tab.metformin 500mg po od
Fluid restriction <1litre/day
Salt restriction <2gms/day

On 14/05/2020:
Patient came for opd with complaints of pedal odema and shortness of breath  since 1week 
Patient is investigated for 2d echo and findings are: left ventricular dilatation ,left atrial dilatation,end point septal separation distance is increased,right atrial and ventricular dilatation ,global hypokinesia.
Based on the above findings we have increased the dosage of vymarda 50mg BD  (sacubitril 26mg +valsartan24mg) to vymarda to 100 mg BD.

He have been asked to revisit after 1 month for check up.

Today I have seen 2d echo which is done by our Pg mam for a congestive cardiac failure patient where we can see mitral valve is not able to touch interventricular septum which clearly explains improper functioning of heart with reduced stroke volume and with left ventricular hypertrophy. 

Here is the video of 2d echo:

Here is the comparison between systolic and diastolic images of heart helps in knowing ejaculatory fraction

1 comment:

  1. History updated today by Dr Aashita PGY2 below:

    35 year old man working as a food caterer from
    presented to our OPD with the complains of :
    Dyspnea since 5 days
    Cough since 5 days
    Bilateral pedal edema since 4 days
    Followed by
    abdominal distension since 3 days
    Patient was born and brought up in xxxx . He was born to a farmer and a housewife and has 2 siblings, an elder sister who is a houswife and has been married to an advocate and an elder brother who is a software engineer. He has completed his degree in electronics and has been working as a food caterer in xxxx the last 10 years. In these last 10 years he has been regularly consuming alcohol around 180 ml of whiskey everyday along with his other friends. He says he used to sometimes feel lonely and he decided not to get married unless the financial situation of his family settles.

    He was apparently completely alright until December 2019 when he developed dyspnea which was sudden in onset and was associated with occasional cough on and off and was also associated with bilateral pedal edema and abdominal distension. He says his dyspnea used to aggravate on exertion and it wasnt associated with chest pain, palpitations, hemoptysis or reduced urine output. Though he tells it used to aggravate on laying position.

    He was taken to a hospital in xxxx where they put on some unknown medications for 10 days. He visited our hospital as his symptoms didn't relieve with those medications.
    He was admitted in our hospital for few days and was diagnosed with dcmp with an ejection fraction of 36 %. His HbA1c was found to be 8.4 and was diagnosed as type 2 DM and the patient was started on OHAs and was stopped on OHAs after 3 days. He was advised to get an angiogram done.
    He visited NIMs hospital where CAG was done and was reported as normal. He was started on Ecosprin, Tab Vymada ( valsartan and sacubitril), Dytor plus 10/20. He stopped taking ecosprin after 2 months and was advised to even take oral form of Lasix 40mg twice a day on regular visits to our hospital.
    He now presented to us, dyspneic with a respiratory rate of 27 cpm and tells us he has been dyspneic the last 5 days which aggravated especially on climbing stairs and on laying on the bed associated with occasional cough with scanty mucoid non blood tinged sputum. In the past 4 days he has even developed bilateral pedal edema followed by abdominal distension.

    More discussion around this patient here:
